A tale of two cities |
The shift in locations for the Home Bug Garden is under way - and none too soon as Alberta gives me a chilly farewell and Brisbane a warm reception. Some wandering will be in order and a final HBG Oz may take a while, but my peregrinations will start popping up here.
Brush-tails prefer apples to mangoes - De gustibus ... |
It is all different here, and yet familiar as the memories come back one-by-one. Perhaps Queensland is not as spectacular as Alberta in relief or size of its native mammals, but it is hard to think of anything else that it lacks. And I prefer Ring-tails to Red Squirrels, although the former are more of a pest if you are trying to regenerate native plants.
Ring-tailed Possum - a confirmed herbivore |
Lots of insects and spiders too.
Brown House Spider has Ant-lion to dinner |
And then there are the mangoes.